Once again, I find myself writing a blog post where the intended audience is Google and all the other various search engines in order to make the Central Ohio Music Website more visible. I'm going to title all these blog posts "Blog for Google" so they aren't accidentally read by some poor unwitting soul who stumbles across it while surfing the net. Like the whispers of the Great Old Ones, only made audible in the unhinged ramblings of the insane or written down in the Necronomicon - the following words were not meant for mortal man to read.

Here's some links to my own website. Click them and you are sent back to places you've already been - but possibly in an unholy alternate dimension where the laws of time and space are bent into impossible geometry comprehensible only to the lunatic mind. There's no way to know unless you click!
Writing these posts is either going to be really smart or really dumb. Possibly both at once, who's to say. It was Spinal Tap who once mused "It's a fine line between clever and stupid."

It turns out I can use A.I. to conjure whatever horrors I want for my blog posts. That's so much easier than combing through my uncle's old newspaper clippings or sneaking off to a weird cultish orgy in a swamp. I know there's all kinds of hardworking artists out there who are having their work harvested by computers without any form of credit or compensation, but hey, I'm trying to conjure horrors here - and generally speaking, conjurers are not concerned with the effect their conjuring will have on innocent bystanders. Horrors form outside time and space demand sustenance, and it's either going to be old man Whatley's entire herd of cattle or some anonymous artist's intellectual property. Look, in my last blog post I said I'm not going to use A.I. to write the blogs. I made no promises about pictures. I will be using this feature extensively, but only when the results are appropriately stupid.
Unlike Lovecraftian horrors, the internet requires keywords and links for sustenance, so let's throw in a few - perhaps we will curry favor with the dark wizards who command it.

Guitar store London, Ohio. Guitar store central Ohio. Music store London, Ohio. Music store central Ohio. Guitar classes. Music classes. Piano lessons. Voice lessons. Bass lessons. Ukulele lessons. Guitars for sale. Used guitars. Musical Instruments. Guitar repair. Luthier. Classical guitar. Guild Guitar. Cordoba guitar. Spector bass. La Bella strings. GHS strings. D'Addario strings. Jim Dunlop. Blackstar amplifier. Savarez strings. Deep Talkin' Bass. Low Tension Flats. Acoustic guitar. MXR. Banjo. Mandolin. Korg piano. Sheet Music. Music book. Columbus. Springfield. Dayton. Urbana. West Jefferson. Mechanicsburg. Mt. Sterling. Gibson guitar. Fender guitar. Ibanez guitar. Taylor guitar. Martin guitar. Electric guitar. Flamenco guitar. Beginner guitar.

Some of these images were simply not meant for the eyes of man. To see them is to have one's mind torn from reality, to leave the firmament and be cast into an indescribable realm void of substance and structure - an unearthly hell beyond imagining where mere perception turns to madness and all thought decays into a void of abstraction. They are also funny to look at.

By this point, I think I've managed to whittle the audience for this page down to like, two or three people: and they're probably pretty weird. I'd like to wrap this blog up with some kind of conclusion, but I'm coming to realize that would require it to contain some kind of actual substance - there's really nothing to conclude here. I think a simple "the end" will suffice.
-The End.
